CodeMash Enterprise

This page is dedicated to companies looking to deploy CodeMash to their environment. Typically, such companies have the capacity to run operations and have their cloud providers or data centers. We offer deployment options, including

  • Kubernetes
  • AWS + EKS
  • Azure + AKS
  • Google Cloud GKE.

By using your environment, you will comply with your company’s policies and terms, and you will have full transparency and control over your environment, including security, encryption, and network settings.

To schedule a demo, please fill out the form on this page with your name, company name, and email. We will schedule the demo at a convenient time and provide you with all the resources you need to get started with CodeMash Enterprise.

Please note that you are welcome to open a free account with us and try CodeMash before scheduling a demo. This will allow you to explore the platform and become familiar with its features. You can create a new CodeMash Enterprise license with a 30-day trial on our website, and also refer to our documentation for guidance on installing CodeMash on your own. Once you are ready, we can schedule a demo at a time that works best for you.

Don’t forget to also check out our pricing page to see the benefits of using the Enterprise version of CodeMash.

Learn more with a free demo

Please fill-up the form, and our Team will get back to you within 24 hours.

Learn more with a free demo

Please fill-up the form, and our Team will get back to you within 24 hours.


Why CodeMash ?


All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough but make sure you do – All you can do.