From Formschema to CodeMash: Celebrating a Decade of Innovation and Bootstrapped Success

🎉 A decade in the making! 🎉 10 years ago, we embarked on a journey with a vision and a single commit. Originally known as “Formschema,” we’ve evolved and rebranded to CodeMash. With our backend as a service, we’ve built 15 projects, truly “eating our own dog food.” Bootstrapping every step of the way, we’ve passionately funded and nurtured our dream without public marketing. As we finalize our platform, ensuring a mature and robust development environment, we’re gearing up for a grand public launch next year. Developers, get ready to embrace the power of CodeMash! 🚀 #10YearsStrong #FromFormschemaToCodeMash #NextGenDevPlatform

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Mobile Developent
Domantas Jovaisas

Full guide of how to use React Native List with hook and back-end.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to use the React Native List component and its variations (paging, refresh, projections and filtering the data) and make a working solution including data that comes from the backend. On top of that, we will use hooks, images on the list, we will try to optimize images and serve them from the AWS S3 bucket.

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