Built-in Authentication

Never build a user authentication system from scratch again. We built it once so you can re-use it anytime, anywhere.

Identity and access management products are vital to business apps security across industries and greatly enhance existing security investments. CodeMash cloud-based identity solution offering a universal authentication and authorization platform that protects the identities of all user types in any application.

Authentication (known as Identity)

Quickly add secure user authentication to your app with passwords and tokens or use popular platforms like:

Authorization (known as Access Management)

Manage Users

One of the first steps to implementing an identity and access management platform is entering users into the platform. CodeMash hosted cloud database stores a variety of information on your users that is accessible to you. This information is available to you via a user profile, and your users are grouped by project. The user information itself can come from a variety of sources, including identity providers, your own databases, and enterprise connections (like Active Directory).

Manage Users Using the Dashboard – Describes how to manage users in the CodeMash Dashboard.

Manage Users Using the API – Explains the basics of a user profile, how to create a user and view users and their profile details.

User Profiles – Explains the basics of CodeMash user profiles.

Custom triggers on user account changes – Understand how user metadata and app metadata can be used to store information that does not originate from an identity provider

Various reports about user behaviour

Manage Roles

Provides control of user access rights across applications.


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